April 7, 2013

So many things to share.. Let's start with Personification!

I have about a million (hyperbole) things I want to post about. I have been taking pictures and meaning to write posts but then, they never get written... Today, I write about figurative language. Specifically, personification! We have been learning about and practicing similies and metephores. The kids have been doing a great job. I used the most adorable simile freebie from The Peanut Gallery (if you teach grades 3 - 6 and have not been to her blog, run there now! Mrs. S. rocks!) and the kids had a blast.

Here is my favorite example. It was created by a little artist in my class!

When we moved into personification I introduced the idea by showing this page in my notebook file.
Click the picture above to get the Notebook File from Google Drive

Then, I put up the lyrics to Zac Brown Band's Martin on the screen. If you have never heard this beautiful song before, please listen to it below.

After listening to and reading the lyrics, I had my students make predictions about who or what "Martin" was. Then, I advanced to the next slide and showed them a picture as the big reveal :) On the next screen we went back to the lyrics and underlined the text evidence and explained what the author (Zac Brown) meant.

A little preteaching note. The lyrics have the word naked in them. OMG the laughter and giggling that ensued was hillarious. My awesome teammate Tracy, who came up with this super cool lesson, told the kids about that word before hand. She had her class brainstorm what kind of things could be described as naked other than people. Her class came up with chicken wings/tenders so she used that as a spring board to prepare them for the word. Kids. Sigh.

I am linking up with Mrs. O for some fabulous poetry tips/ideas. Head on over there to get some more ideas~

If you grab this file please leave me a comment below, I would love to hear from you!!

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